Museum: a seemingly neutral space, with its own set of rules. What happens when three clowns show up and turn everything upside down? Three virtuoso performers unleash their talents against the backdrop of an impressive setting, a total work of art, a miniature of our society, to the sounds of pianist Colin Vallon. A hilarious spectacle, mirroring the complexity, violence and poetry of contemporary relationships and power struggles. Above all, a clown performance for grown-ups!
Due to the ongoing pandemic, all performance dates are subject to change
Concept - Directing - Choreography - Costume design Martin Zimmermann
Created with and performed by Tarek Halaby, Dimitri Jourde, Romeu Runa, Colin Vallon
Music creation Colin Vallon
Dramaturgy Sabine Geistlich
Set design Martin Zimmermann, Simeon Meier
Development stage and technical coordination Ingo Groher
Sound design Andy Neresheimer
Lighting design Jérôme Bueche
Artistic collaboration Eugénie Rebetez
Assistant director Sarah Büchel
Creation stage manager Roger Studer
Décor construction Ingo Groher, Ateliers du Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
Painting Michèle Rebetez-Martin
Costumes construction Katharina Baldauf, Doris Mazzella
Stage manager Jan Olislagers
Lighting direction Sarah Büchel
Sound direction Andy Neresheimer
Technical administration Sarah Büchel
Photos Augustin Rebetez
Communication MZ Atelier
Bookkeeping Conny Heeb
Production management Alain Vuignier
International producer Claire Béjanin
Production MZ Atelier
Co-production Biennale de la danse de Lyon 2018, Kaserne Basel, Le Volcan (scène nationale du Havre), Les 2 Scènes (scène nationale de Besançon), Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, Maillon, Théâtre de Strasbourg / Scène européenne, Maison de la Culture de Bourges / Scène Nationale, Scène Nationale du Sud-Aquitain, Nebia - Biel / Bienne, Théâtre de la Ville (Paris), Theater Casino Zug, Theater Chur, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Zürcher Theater Spektakel
Supported by Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Fonds Culturel de la Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA), Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Stiftung Corymbo
Special thanks to IG Rote Fabrik, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich
Martin Zimmermann is supported by a cooperative funding agreement with the Culture Department City of Zurich, Department of Culture Canton Zurich and Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council. Associated Artist at maisondelaculture de Bourges / Scène Nationale and at Tanzhaus Zürich.