2121: In the not-so-distant future, where nation states no longer exist, a fashion show is held in commemoration of fustanella, the national garment of the onetime Greek nation state. The Evzone costume and Lord Byron's Souli garment, Adamantios Korai's tailcoat and King Otto's fustanella, Ioannis Kapodistrias' Frankish clothes and Queen Amalia's traditional attire take turns at the Peiraios 260 catwalk. On the occasion of the Greek War of Independence bicentennial, this performance employs a diverse cast to the sounds of live music and a festive mood, in an attempt to comment on the notions of identity and alterity, raising the following question: What type of communities could we invent nowadays, aiming at a more inclusive future?
Due to the ongoing pandemic, all performance dates are subject to changeυν
Directed and written by Pantelis Flatsousis
Dramaturgy Panagiota Konstantinakou
Set and costume design Konstantinos Zamanis
Original composition - Live performance Jan Van de Engel
Video editing Marios Gampierakis - Chrysoula Korovesi
Lighting design Eliza Alexandropoulou
Dramaturgy collaboration Katerina Konstantinakou
Assistant to the director Panayota Papadimitriou
Cast Hossain Amiri, Themis Theocharoglou, Giorgos Kritharas, Deborah Odong, Fotini Papachristopoulou, Enias Tsamatis, Yilmaz Housmen
Production manager Kostis Panagiotopoulos
Executive producer SPECTRUM
Thanks to Vasilis Koukalani, Tilemachos Kotsias, Yorgos Syrmas, Elena Triantafyllopoulou
Special thanks to the Estia Bookshop, Ypsilon Publishing and Ioulita Iliopoulou, Ta Nea newspaper and Efi Falida, I Avgi newspaper and Maria Repousi, Christos Papadakis, and Marina Vrelli-Zachou for giving their permission for the use of textual excerpts in the performance.